About The Gpoa

Supporting Officers, Serving Citizens

The Gilroy Police Officers' Association is comprised of the police officers, corporals, sergeants, and multi-service Officers of the Gilroy Police Department. The city of Gilroy, California, is located approximately 30 miles south of San Jose and is known as the Garlic Capitol of the World.

Gilroy has a population of approximately 50,000 and is protected by approximately 60 highly trained and dedicated police officers. The GPOA, in conjunction with the administration of the Gilroy Police Department, ensures each member maintains the highest level of training, ethics, and professionalism while serving as a member of the department.

The association is governed by a board of directors. Members are elected to the positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and four Board Member positions.

In The Community

The association is active in our community. We support many youth activity leagues and public awareness events. From countless donations to Little League groups to completing events such as the Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run, the association takes pride in helping our community.

The GPOA enjoys a great working relationship with the citizens of Gilroy and deeply appreciates their strong and loyal support.

In The Department

The board members serve the association by conducting contract negotiations, scheduling of association-sponsored events, and maintaining and improving department morale. The board members act as liaisons between the officers and the command staff when dealing with personnel issues. Board members are knowledgeable in the Peace Officer Bill of Rights, and they monitor internal affairs investigations to ensure officer's rights are not violated.

During contract negotiations, the board members complete research and present the member's positions on topics such as benefits, work schedules, and salaries, to the city administrator.

Officers in a restaurant
Officers standing for a picture
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